This week, Phil showed us how to create a basic pair of legs, and how to make them "ski shuffle" to block out a walk cycle. Using the joint tool and I.K handles, we created some simple legs that had the same movement as what a rigged model would have.
Once these where created, we gave them quick keyframes and the start and finish of a 24 frame (1 second) animation and created a sliding shuffle movement. This was to help us get a better understanding of how to create animations with joints and skeletons etc.
Our task this week, was to find reference for a jump animation. The point of the exercise was to show that everything that moves has potential energy, and that people "prepare" or "build up" to a movement. This is particularly observed in a jump animation.
I went on to youtube and found an animation reference of a man doing a crouching jump. I liked this as it showed alot of preperation.
Using this as my reference i blocked out the jump, adding in a couple more squats to show more anticipation for the characters movement. Once blocked, i began moving the arm joints, changing the facial features, moving the torso to show the shift and balance and moved the foot and leg joints to get a smooth jump arc. The final result is below.
It was very difficult to get a smooth arc to his jump and i had to add lots of movement keyframes within the joints of the body to get a full natural swing of balance. The other challenge was the knees and feet, which change rotation when airbourne. It took me a while to smooth this out so it looked natural.